Monday, September 28, 2015

Iran official: Saudi royal house to fall within 20 years

Source: Times of Israel

Safavi, military adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that in light of Riyadh’s inability to administer the annual Muslim pilgrimage, he expected the current Saudi government to rescind control over the holiest site in Islam. 

“We hope that God willing, Mecca and Medina will be managed by an Islamic government in less than 20 years from now when there won’t be any al-Saud,” Safavi said. 

At least 769 people were killed, including 150 Iranians, in the stampede in Mina on the final day of the hajj pilgrimage. At least 934 people were injured. 

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It appears Iran likes to make these statements about everyone it doesn't like.

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